I apologize for my tardiness with this blog. It was my over sight, I didn’t realize we were blogging on this process. Patti and I worked so well together on a project for our Human diversity class that we decided to team up again to delve deeper into a subject that we have both struggled with in our homes. The dreaded weekly spelling test! After commiserating together over common experiences with this educational tradition, we wondered if there was a better way to teach spelling and how do children really learn to spell? Without giving too much of our project away, suffice to say that neither of us had seen much, if any improvement in our children’s application of the learned spelling lists and we thought it would be a great subject for this paper. I have to admit that I am still (hard to believe I know) a bit of a novel when it comes to researching online. Though Karen gave awesome tips in class, it can still be a chore for me. After some somewhat fruitless searches on my own, Patti came through with some amazing articles! We had more than enough information and yet still craved more. Was there something else out there phenomenal we had overlooked? Were we sure we were coming at this subject from the right angle? Should we have done this or that or looked here? All a string of questions put to rest by mere time constraints if nothing else. We felt confidant enough in our material that we would find some sound reasoning behind our case.
Thanks for making me sound like a rock star! I'm a little weird in that I don't really mind research papers. I find the structure comfortable (comforting? pathetic). Lest anyone think Lynne's a slacker, she did just as much work as I did. I guarantee she will be holding my hand for the genre part!